AI Content: Is It Helpful Or Spam?

You may have noticed that the world of SEO is changing. There are a lot of people who are worried about how AI content will affect their businesses and their jobs, but there's also a growing number of SEOs who are excited to see what this new technology can do for them. 

To help shed some light on the topic, today I'd like to go over automated content in general and see if it has any place in your business. Then we'll look at how AI is taking over certain parts of SEO automation: keyword research, auditing websites, checking links, and more. Thus its important to choose the SEO Company like as they have expertise and knowledge.

A look at automation in SEO

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As it turns out, quite a bit. While many aspects in an SEO campaign are done by humans (e.g., keyword research and the creation of content), there are still tasks that can be fully automated—like link building and some on-page optimization checks.

But what about creativity? Can AI create content that's equally impactful as a human writer? That's another question entirely.

 As we've seen from companies like MailChimp and Moz, good relationships with clients come from something more than just analytics data points. So while AI may be able to help generate ideas for blog posts or landing pages, it will never replace the human touch needed to write them down in their final form.

Keyword research

Keywords are one of the most important components of SEO (search engine optimization) because they help you find out what people are searching for online. You can use this information to create better content, connect with your audience, and drive traffic back to your site.

Keyword research is an essential part of any SEO strategy since it helps you find out what kinds of topics searchers are interested in learning about. 

Keyword research allows you to identify long-tail keywords that have low competition and high conversion rates—meaning more traffic for keywords with fewer monthly searches but lots less competition than popular keywords like "weight loss" or "fitness."

Auditing websites

Auditing a website is the process of checking its content, including links and other images, for accuracy. It can be performed by humans or bots. There are several reasons why you might want to audit your own website:

  • To check whether you've been hacked;
  • To make sure that your information is as up-to-date as possible;
  • To make sure that you're abiding by Google's guidelines on duplicate content; and finally,
  • If someone else has audited your site before (such as an SEO firm), but didn't give you the full rundown of what they found or how they fixed it, then doing another audit yourself will help fill in any gaps in their knowledge base.

Checking rankings

Using Google's Keyword Planner, you can see what keywords are most relevant to your site and how many people use those keywords to search for content. For example, if you're interested in learning more about digital marketing and SEO, you might type "digital marketing" into the keyword planner tool. If you're looking for an article about AI content, maybe you'd type that instead.

Once these results appear on the page, look at the related searches column (the last one) to see what other terms people are using when they search for digital marketing information or AI content. This will give you good insight into what type of information is appealing to your target audience—and help inform which topics are worth writing about!

What about automated content?

  • AI content is not helpful.
  • AI content is not natural.
  • AI content is not authentic.AI content does not make sense in the context of your brand and what you're trying to accomplish with your marketing efforts at this time, which means it will likely turn users away from you or even worse, increase their negative perception of your brand!

So, is AI content helpful or spam? 

AI content isn't spam. It's just a new way for businesses to create and distribute content that can be helpful, but it's not a magic bullet. The best AI content will still have the same core elements that have been instrumental in effective marketing for decades: relevance, utility, and trustworthiness.

AI can help you focus on the right things by providing insights into what your audience wants and needs based on their behavior in real time—but it’s up to you to use those insights wisely so you don’t waste precious resources creating things no one will read (or buy).

Can creativity get fully automated?

AI can do some tasks better than humans, such as playing chess and Go. But it’s hard to get an AI program to be creative on its own. Creativity is a human trait, not a computer one.

We can use AI to help us with the process of creativity. You might ask an AI program to generate ideas for new products or ways of doing things, but you'll still need to decide which ones are good enough for your business—or whether they're worth pursuing at all—on your own.


We've seen a lot of hype around AI content. It's clear that there are some amazing things it can do, but we also need to be careful not to oversell it as a magic bullet solution. We'll always need humans in the loop when it comes to creativity and storytelling--and that's why these types of tools will always be valuable but to use it you need the help of SEO Vancouver company, so choose wisely.


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